Get Whitelabel Balance
GET finances/getWhitelabelBalance
Gets all balances from payments received for the organization. All balances are broken down by the method in which a payment was made - `bank_account` and `card`.
This should help indicate whether a payment can be refunded or not based on the available balances for each category.
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
20 | Manage Finances | Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users. |
Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Get Whitelabel Payout Methods
GET finances/getWhitelabelPayoutSources
Gets all payout method for the organization. This response comes directly from our payment processor, Stripe, so the response does not match our usual format of API responses.
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
20 | Manage Finances | Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users. |
Sample Responses
{"object":"list","data":[{"id":"ba_1KYuGoRCRydqeLFlcdrD6HKv","object":"bank_account","account":"acct_1I9YjARCRydqeLFl","account_holder_name":"Myke Testerino","account_holder_type":"individual","account_type":null,"available_payout_methods":["standard","instant"],"bank_name":"STRIPE TEST BANK","country":"US","currency":"usd","default_for_currency":false,"fingerprint":"CIbCKiGwNrWnqC9G","future_requirements":{"currently_due":[],"errors":[],"past_due":[],"pending_verification":[]},"last4":"6789","metadata":[],"requirements":{"currently_due":[],"errors":[],"past_due":[],"pending_verification":[]},"routing_number":"110000000","status":"new"},{"id":"card_1IBlGmRCRydqeLFlMzF9Rykv","object":"card","account":"acct_1I9YjARCRydqeLFl","address_city":null,"address_country":null,"address_line1":null,"address_line1_check":null,"address_line2":null,"address_state":null,"address_zip":"80021","address_zip_check":"pass","available_payout_methods":["standard","instant"],"brand":"Visa","country":"US","currency":"usd","cvc_check":"pass","default_for_currency":true,"dynamic_last4":null,"exp_month":8,"exp_year":2025,"fingerprint":"xs1F7FFTrCIhZq4o","funding":"debit","last4":"5556","metadata":[],"name":null,"status":"new","tokenization_method":null,"wallet":null}],"has_more":false,"url":"\/v1\/accounts\/acct_1I9YjARCRydqeLFl\/external_accounts"}
Success Response Key
Trigger Whitelabel Payout
POST finances/whitelabelTriggerPayout
Triggers a payout from the selected available or instant_available balances. Please note that the payment_amount needs to be provided in CENTS not DOLLARS.
For example, $100 payout should be provided as payout_amount=10000
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
payout_method | Method to use for payout, `bank` or `instant`. |
payout_amount | Amount to payout to the payment method (in Cents, NOT dollars). |
description | Description for the payout. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
20 | Manage Finances | Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users. |
Sample Responses
{"Status":"Success","Message":"Payout request sent"}
Success Response Key
Get User Financial Timeline
GET finances/getUserTimeline
Returns all finance data for a given user.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
custid | (optional) Custid of the user to fetch the finance timeline for. Defaults to the authenticated user. |
sort | (optional) `ASC` or `DESC` - Order in which to sort the timeline items. Defaults to DESC. |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
{"current_balances":{"whitelabel_id":127,"custid":565,"outstanding":"6755","whitelabel_account":"acct_1I9YjARCRydqeLFl","user_customer_id":"cus_InLQKbMMoZTEo2","preferred_payment_method":"","delinquent":"Yes","fname":"Lindsay","lname":"Testerson","email":"","whitelabel_name":"Testing Rowing Club, Inc."},"payment_methods":{"object":"list","data":[],"has_more":false,"url":"\/v1\/customers\/cus_InLQKbMMoZTEo2\/sources"},"payments_made":[{"id":"ch_1J09WwINTixHFl36PtqoPkpq","object":"charge","amount":1395,"amount_captured":1395,"amount_refunded":0,"amount_updates":[],"application":null,"application_fee":"fee_1J09WxRCRydqeLFlbHImhtqN","application_fee_amount":95,"balance_transaction":"txn_1J09WxINTixHFl364dbf9hKu","billing_details":{"address":{"city":null,"country":null,"line1":null,"line2":null,"postal_code":"42422","state":null},"email":null,"name":null,"phone":null},"calculated_statement_descriptor":"BOATHOUSE CONNECT","captured":true,"created":1623176402,"currency":"usd","customer":"cus_InLQKbMMoZTEo2","description":"Payment to Testing Rowing Club, Inc.","destination":"acct_1I9YjARCRydqeLFl","dispute":null,"disputed":false,"failure_balance_transaction":null,"failure_code":null,"failure_message":null,"fraud_details":[],"invoice":null,"livemode":false,"metadata":{"custid":"565","env":"TEST","whitelabel_id":"127"},"on_behalf_of":null,"order":null,"outcome":{"network_status":"approved_by_network","reason":null,"risk_level":"normal","risk_score":48,"seller_message":"Payment complete.","type":"authorized"},"paid":true,"payment_intent":null,"payment_method":"card_1J06aiINTixHFl36TBGMLNeb","payment_method_details":{"card":{"amount_authorized":null,"brand":"visa","checks":{"address_line1_check":null,"address_postal_code_check":"pass","cvc_check":null},"country":"US","exp_month":4,"exp_year":2024,"extended_authorization":{"status":"disabled"},"fingerprint":"0E6CpRNhhpMOArnP","funding":"credit","incremental_authorization":{"status":"unavailable"},"installments":null,"last4":"4242","mandate":null,"multicapture":{"status":"unavailable"},"network":"visa","network_token":{"used":false},"overcapture":{"maximum_amount_capturable":1395,"status":"unavailable"},"three_d_secure":null,"wallet":null},"type":"card"},"receipt_email":"","receipt_number":null,"receipt_url":"https:\/\/\/receipts\/payment\/CAcaFwoVYWNjdF8xSTJkNHBJTlRpeEhGbDM2KJGg37EGMgYXCqTUpU06LBZ9XglQlhoR0GEd5uk3KdlY915iJ82zX5R-ob3AvqmuVkToIfiN5g7hxxI-","refunded":false,"refunds":{"object":"list","data":[],"has_more":false,"total_count":0,"url":"\/v1\/charges\/ch_1J09WwINTixHFl36PtqoPkpq\/refunds"},"review":null,"shipping":null,"source":{"id":"card_1J06aiINTixHFl36TBGMLNeb","object":"card","address_city":null,"address_country":null,"address_line1":null,"address_line1_check":null,"address_line2":null,"address_state":null,"address_zip":"42422","address_zip_check":"pass","brand":"Visa","country":"US","customer":"cus_InLQKbMMoZTEo2","cvc_check":null,"dynamic_last4":null,"exp_month":4,"exp_year":2024,"fingerprint":"0E6CpRNhhpMOArnP","funding":"credit","last4":"4242","metadata":[],"name":null,"tokenization_method":null,"wallet":null},"source_transfer":null,"statement_descriptor":null,"statement_descriptor_suffix":null,"status":"succeeded","transfer":"tr_1J09WwINTixHFl362hqqVHxT","transfer_data":{"amount":null,"destination":"acct_1I9YjARCRydqeLFl"},"transfer_group":"group_ch_1J09WwINTixHFl36PtqoPkpq"},{"id":"ch_1J06auINTixHFl36TBdP0Vdt","object":"charge","amount":258,"amount_captured":258,"amount_refunded":0,"amount_updates":[],"application":null,"application_fee":"fee_1J06avRCRydqeLFlPOosfVXA","application_fee_amount":58,"balance_transaction":"txn_1J06avINTixHFl36sPJlVlPD","billing_details":{"address":{"city":null,"country":null,"line1":null,"line2":null,"postal_code":"42422","state":null},"email":null,"name":null,"phone":null},"calculated_statement_descriptor":"BOATHOUSE CONNECT","captured":true,"created":1623165116,"currency":"usd","customer":"cus_InLQKbMMoZTEo2","description":"Payment to Testing Rowing Club, Inc.","destination":"acct_1I9YjARCRydqeLFl","dispute":null,"disputed":false,"failure_balance_transaction":null,"failure_code":null,"failure_message":null,"fraud_details":[],"invoice":null,"livemode":false,"metadata":{"custid":"565","env":"TEST","whitelabel_id":"127"},"on_behalf_of":null,"order":null,"outcome":{"network_status":"approved_by_network","reason":null,"risk_level":"normal","risk_score":22,"seller_message":"Payment 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Service","amount_charged":200,"settled_amount":200,"receipt_url":"https:\/\/\/receipts\/acct_1I2d4pINTixHFl36\/ch_1J06auINTixHFl36TBdP0Vdt\/rcpt_JdNLf3z4yT5mcWimyVq4pRIBwvyiHJw"},{"payment_credit_id":13,"external_id":"ch_1J09WwINTixHFl36PtqoPkpq","custid":565,"whitelabel_id":127,"descr":"Payment By User","created_at":1623176404,"posted_by":"BC Payment Service","amount_charged":1300,"settled_amount":1300,"receipt_url":"https:\/\/\/receipts\/acct_1I2d4pINTixHFl36\/ch_1J09WwINTixHFl36PtqoPkpq\/rcpt_JdQNe5iK4hRvSyALGDVO4BDciQEXtNB"}]}
Success Response Key
Get All Users Financial Timeline
GET finances/getWhitelabelTimeline
Gets all charges and credits for the given organization.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. Defaults to DESC. |
sort | (optional) `ASC` or `DESC` - Order in which to sort the timeline items. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
17 | Manage Organization Settings | Allowed to change basic organization-related settings, such as uploading logos, setting timezone, etc. |
20 | Manage Finances | Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users. |
21 | Assess Fees | Allowed to assess fees to users. |
Sample Responses
{"charges":[{"payment_schedule_id":1,"whitelabel_id":127,"custid":566,"fname":"Steve","lname":"Bravo","created_at":1611164702,"due_by":1611165685,"created_by":"Steve Bravo","amount":0,"description":"Account Initialization","charge_type":"initialization","foreign_id":null,"login_email":"","external_id_a":"","external_id_b":"","external_id_c":"","external_id_d":""},{"payment_schedule_id":2,"whitelabel_id":127,"custid":567,"fname":"Savannah","lname":"Testerson","created_at":1611164702,"due_by":1611165685,"created_by":"Savannah Testerson","amount":0,"description":"Account Initialization","charge_type":"initialization","foreign_id":null,"login_email":"","external_id_a":"","external_id_b":"","external_id_c":"","external_id_d":""}],"credits":[{"payment_credit_id":1,"external_id":"REFUND","whitelabel_id":127,"custid":564,"fname":"Michael","lname":"Testerson","descr":"REFUNDED","created_at":1611166043,"posted_by":"BC Payment Service","amount_charged":1000,"settled_amount":0,"receipt_url":"https:\/\/\/receipts\/acct_1I2d4pINTixHFl36\/ch_1IBl5RINTixHFl36omJhth1Y\/rcpt_InLnbnJeuYtDlWDQ98bynRPjuUmbW04","external_id_a":"Bravo151","external_id_b":"","external_id_c":"","external_id_d":"","login_email":"","settled_timestamp":null},{"payment_credit_id":2,"external_id":"WHITELABEL GRANTED CREDIT","whitelabel_id":127,"custid":568,"fname":"Steven","lname":"Friend","descr":"","created_at":1611166490,"posted_by":"Michael Testerson","amount_charged":295,"settled_amount":0,"receipt_url":"","external_id_a":"","external_id_b":"","external_id_c":"","external_id_d":"","login_email":"","settled_timestamp":null}]}
Success Response Key
Refund Payment
POST finances/refundCredit
Refunds a payment back to the user based on the payment_credit_id.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
custid | Custid of the user being refunded. |
payment_credit_id | Id of the credit to refund to the user. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
20 | Manage Finances | Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users. |
Sample Responses
{"status":"success","message":"Payment has been refunded.","custid":564,"payment_credit_id_refunded":11}
Success Response Key
Get User Account Balance
GET finances/getAccountBalance
Gets the account balances for the given user for each of the organizations the user is affiliated with. If the custid provided does not match the authenticated user, you must have permission to manage
the finances for the given user in your organization.
token | API Token. |
custid | (optional) Custid of the user to fetch the finance balance for. Defaults to the authenticated user. |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Get User Payment Methods
GET finances/getUserPaymentMethods
Gets all payment methods on file for the authenticated user.
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
{"object":"list","data":[{"id":"card_1Mpb9EINTixHFl36cNzm6hZX","object":"card","address_city":null,"address_country":null,"address_line1":null,"address_line1_check":null,"address_line2":null,"address_state":null,"address_zip":"42424","address_zip_check":"pass","brand":"Visa","country":"US","customer":"cus_InLN2kJBMmDPK5","cvc_check":"pass","dynamic_last4":null,"exp_month":4,"exp_year":2024,"fingerprint":"0E6CpRNhhpMOArnP","funding":"credit","last4":"4242","metadata":[],"name":null,"tokenization_method":null,"wallet":null},{"id":"ba_1OMhu0INTixHFl36231Vd6Gp","object":"bank_account","account_holder_name":null,"account_holder_type":null,"account_type":null,"bank_name":"STRIPE TEST BANK","country":"US","currency":"usd","customer":"cus_InLN2kJBMmDPK5","fingerprint":"CIbCKiGwNrWnqC9G","last4":"6789","metadata":[],"routing_number":"110000000","status":"verified"}],"has_more":false,"url":"\/v1\/customers\/cus_InLN2kJBMmDPK5\/sources"}
Success Response Key
Remove User Payment Method
POST finances/removePaymentMethod
Removes a payment method the user has previously added.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
payment_source_id | Stripe Id of the payment source to remove from the user |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
{"status":"success","message":"Payment method removed.","payment_source_id":"card_1Mpb9EINTixHFl36cNzm6hZX"}
Success Response Key
Make A Payment To Whitelabel
POST finances/makePaymentToWhitelabel
Triggers a payment from the provided payment to the given organization. Maximum payment allowed per transaction is $2,000 USD.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization to receive the payment. |
amount | Amount to charge the user and transfer to the whitelabel (in cents, NOT dollars) |
preferred_payment_method | Stripe payment method to attempt to use first when charging the user. |
is_donation | (optional) `no` or `yes` - Whether or not the payment is a donation. Defaults to `no` |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Get All User Account Balances
GET finances/getUserAccountBalances
Retrieves the current balance for each user in the organization (as well as any past users). outstanding refers to how much
is owed to the organization. A positive number indicates an amount due, while negative indicates a credit to the user.
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
20 | Manage Finances | Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users. |
21 | Assess Fees | Allowed to assess fees to users. |
Sample Responses
[{"whitelabel_id":127,"custid":566,"outstanding":"4000","whitelabel_account":"acct_1I9YjARCRydqeLFl","user_customer_id":"cus_InLQwN4ldYGxCZ","preferred_payment_method":"","delinquent":"Yes","fname":"Zane","lname":"Bravo","email":"","whitelabel_name":"Test Club, Inc."},{"whitelabel_id":127,"custid":567,"outstanding":"3522","whitelabel_account":"acct_1I9YjARCRydqeLFl","user_customer_id":"cus_InLQI3b5VuP3tR","preferred_payment_method":"","delinquent":"Yes","fname":"Savannah","lname":"Testington","email":"","whitelabel_name":"Test Club, Inc."}]
Success Response Key
Create Charge
POST finances/addChargeToUser
Creates a charge to the user. The payment method on file for the user will be billed sometime after the `due_date`.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
custid | Custid of the user the charge is being assessed to. |
amount | Amount of the charge in cents, NOT dollars. |
descr | Reason for the charge being assessed to the user |
charge_type | Type of charge being assessed (`single_group`, `recurring_group`, `donation`, `initialization`, `single` |
due_date | UNIX timestamp of when the charge needs to be paid by the user. Must be greater than 1741253824. |
foreign_id | (optional) Id relating to the charge type to assist in removing or editing later. |
notify_user | (optional) Determines whether to automatically notify the user of the charge 72 hours before the due time. Options are `Yes` or `No`. Defaults to `Yes` |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
20 | Manage Finances | Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users. |
21 | Assess Fees | Allowed to assess fees to users. |
Sample Responses
{"status":"success","message":"Charge posted to user","amount_due":1000,"amount_dollars":"$10","posted_to_custid":"564","type":"single","foreign_id":"0","sending_notification":true,"due_date":1715012823}
Success Response Key
Delete Charge
POST finances/deleteChargeFromUser
Deletes a given charge from the given user. The charge_id must be paired to the user provided in the custid parameter.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
custid | Custid of the user the charge is being removed from. |
charge_id | AId of the charge being removed. This must be attached to the given custid. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
20 | Manage Finances | Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users. |
21 | Assess Fees | Allowed to assess fees to users. |
Sample Responses
{"status":"success","message":"Charge has been deleted.","user_name":"Michael Merwin","custid":564,"charge_id":96}
Success Response Key
Create Credit
POST finances/addCreditToUser
Creates a credit that can offset any future charges posted to a user's account
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
custid | Custid of the user the charge is being assessed to. |
amount | Amount of the credit in cents, NOT dollars. |
description | Reason for the credit being added to the user |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
20 | Manage Finances | Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users. |
21 | Assess Fees | Allowed to assess fees to users. |
Sample Responses
{"status":"success","message":"Credit posted to user.","user_name":"Michael Merwin","custid":564,"amount_posted":500}
Success Response Key
Add Fee Schedule To Group
POST finances/addGroupFeeSchedule
Adds a charge due to all users in a given group. Only the users in the given group at the due date will be charged.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
group_id | Id of the group. |
amount | Amount of the charge in cents, NOT dollars. |
due_by | UNIX timestamp of when the charge needs to be paid by each user. Must be greater than 1741253824. |
description | (optional) Description of the fee being added. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
20 | Manage Finances | Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users. |
21 | Assess Fees | Allowed to assess fees to users. |
Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Remove Fee Schedule From Group
POST finances/removeFromGroupFeeSchedule
Removes a given fee from the group fee schedule. All scheduled group fees can be found using the /finances/addGroupFeeSchedule endpoint
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
schedule_id | Id of the charge schedule to remove from all users in the group. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
20 | Manage Finances | Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users. |
21 | Assess Fees | Allowed to assess fees to users. |
Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Update Group Join Fee
POST finances/updateGroupJoinFee
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
group_id | Id of the group. |
amount | Amount of the charge in cents, NOT dollars. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
20 | Manage Finances | Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users. |
21 | Assess Fees | Allowed to assess fees to users. |
Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Get Fee Schedule For Group
GET finances/getGroupFeeSchedule
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
group_id | Id of the group. |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Update Fee Recovery Setting
POST finances/updateFeeRecoverySetting
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
setting | `Yes` or `No` - Whether or not processing fees get recovered from the user when making payments. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
20 | Manage Finances | Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users. |
Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Update Group Payment Requirement
POST finances/updateGroupPaymentRequirement
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
require_card | `Yes` or `No` - Whether or not users must have a payment method on file before joining groups with a join fee. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
20 | Manage Finances | Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users. |
Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Create Fundraiser
POST finances/createFundraiser
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
title | Name of the fundraiser. |
description | Description of the fundraiser. |
start_time | UNIX timestamp of when the fundraiser starts and people can make donations towards it. |
end_time | UNIX timestamp of when the fundraiser ends. |
goal | Amount the organization is trying to raiser for the item (in cents, NOT dollars). |
has_image | `true` or `false` - whether or not a image has been POSTed to the endpoint for the fundraiser image. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
20 | Manage Finances | Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users. |
Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Update Fundraising Data
POST finances/updateFundraisingData
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
donation_item_id | Id of the fundraiser. |
title | (optional) New name of the fundraiser. |
description | (optional) New description of the fundraiser. |
start_time | (optional) New UNIX timestamp of when the fundraiser starts and people can make donations towards it. |
end_time | (optional) New UNIX timestamp of when the fundraiser ends. |
goal | (optional) New Amount the organization is trying to raiser for the item (in cents, NOT dollars). |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
20 | Manage Finances | Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users. |
Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Donate Towards Fundraiser (Payment)
POST finances/makeFundraisingDonation
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
donation_item_id | Id of the fundraiser. |
amount | Value of the donation (in cents, NOT dollars). |
type | `payment` or `cash` |
preferred_payment_method | (optional) Stripe payment method to charge. |
recover_cost | (optional) `Yes` or `No` - Whether or not to recover the payment interchange costs |
(optional) Email address of the donor | |
stripe_customer_id | (optional) Stripe Id of the customer making the donation Only required if a non-cash donation. |
external_id | (optional) Id of the Stripe transaction. only included if recording cash donation |
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Add Donation to Fundraiser (Manual)
POST finances/manualFundraisingDonation
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
donation_item_id | Id of the fundraiser. |
amount | Value of the donation (in cents, NOT dollars). |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
20 | Manage Finances | Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users. |
Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Get Fundraiser Details
GET finances/getFundraiserDetails
Required Permissions
No special permissions required to access this endpoint.Sample Responses
Success Response Key
All Payments From Users Setting
POST finances/allowPaymentsByUsers
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
allow_user_payments | `Yes` or `No` - Whether or not users are allowed to make payments on the platform. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
20 | Manage Finances | Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users. |
Sample Responses
Success Response Key
Update Payment Receipt Email Address
POST finances/updateReceiptEmail
Updates the email address that is displayed in receipts. Anyone who makes a payment on Boathouse Connect to the organization
will be provided this email address to contact in the event they have a question about a payment.
token | API Token. |
whitelabel_id | Whitelabel Id of the organization. |
Email address to be included on the receipt for payers to contact. |
Required Permissions
The authenticated user must hold one of the following permissions to access this endpoint:Id | Name | Description |
20 | Manage Finances | Allowed to modify all finance settings related to collecting fees from users. |
Sample Responses
{"status":"success","message":"Receipt email has been updated","whitelabel_id":127,"receipt_email":""}